


    2008获河南科技大学化学工程与工艺专业学士学位,2015年获郑州大学化工过程机械专业博士学位(硕博连读)。2015至今工作于郑州轻工业大学能源与动力工程学院。2012. 10-2014.10于澳大利亚阿德莱德大学进行博士联合培养(CSC奖学金资助)。








 [1] 富磷农业废弃物气化过程磷迁徙转化及富集调控机制研究(51706210)、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、2018.1-2020.1224万、主持.

 [2] 富磷生物质气化过程磷迁徙转化研究(Y907kb1001)、中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室开放基金项目、2019.1-2020.123万、主持.


 [1] YoujianZhu, Yiming Chen, Haiping Yang* et al., Reduction of fine particulate matter emissions from cornstalk combustion by calcium phosphates additives. Fuel 2021(283):119303. (中科院一区).

 [2] Youjian Zhu, Jiyuan Fan, Peng Yang et al., P-Based Additive for Reducing Fine Particulate Matter Emissions during Agricultural Biomass Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 2019 (33):11274-11284. (中科院二区).

 [3] Jingai. Shao, Wei. Cheng, Youjian. Zhu* et al., Effects of Combined Torrefaction and Pelletization on Particulate Matter Emission from Biomass Pellet Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 2019 (33): 8777-8785. (中科院二区, 通讯).

 [4] Youjian Zhu, Wei Yang, Jiyuan Fan, et al. Effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose addition on particulate matter emissions during biomass pellet combustion. Applied Energy, 2018, 230: 925-934. (中科院一区).

 [5] Youjian Zhu, Yaohui Si, Xianhua Wang et al. Characterization of Hydrochar Pellets from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Agricultural Residues. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32, (11): 11538-11546. (中科院二区).

 [6] Youjian Zhu, Junhao Hu, Wei Yang et al. Ash Fusion Characteristics and Transformation Behaviors during Bamboo Combustion in Comparison with Straw and Poplar. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32, (4): 5244-5251. (中科院二区).

 [7] Youjian Zhu, Philip J. van Eyk, Christoffer Boman et al. Preliminary understanding on the ash behavior of algae during co-gasification in an entrained flow reactor. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 175, (15): 26-34. (中科院二区,小类一区).

 [8] Youjian Zhu, Patrycja Piotrowska, Philip J. van Eyk et al. Fluidized Bed Co-gasification of Algae and Wood Pellets: Gas Yields and Bed Agglomeration Analysis. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30, (3): 1800-1809. (中科院二区).

 [9] Youjian Zhu, Patrycja Piotrowska, P. J. van Eyk et al. Cogasification of Australian Brown Coal with Algae in a Fluidized Bed Reactor. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29, (3): 1686–1700. (中科院二区).

 [10] Youjian Zhu, Peter J. Ashman, Chi Wai Kwong et al. Pyrolysis characteristics and char reactivity of Oedogonium sp. and Loy Yang coal. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29: 5047-5055. (中科院二区).

 [11] Wei Yang, Youjian Zhu, Wei Cheng, et al. Effect of minerals and binders on particulate matter emission from biomass pellets combustion. Applied Energy 2018;215:106-15. (中科院二区, 二作).

 [12] Wei Yang, Youjian Zhu, Wei Cheng, et al. Characteristics of Particulate Matter Emitted from Agricultural Biomass Combustion. Energy & Fuels 2017;31(7):7493-501. (中科院二区, 二作).

 [13] 朱有健, 张显显, 陈奕名, 吴学红, 杨海平, 陈汉平.磷酸二氢钙对玉米秆灰熔融烧结特性的影响研究[J].化工学报,2020,71(07):3313-3321.

 [14] 朱有健, 王定标*, 周俊杰, 固定床煤气化炉的模拟与优化, 化工学报, 2011, 626: 1606-1611.